Learning to Teach: TEACHnology Program for Teachers and Trainers

Learning to Teach: TEACHnology Program for Teachers and Trainers

To help Filipino educators adapt to the new normal in education, Informatics provides training for teachers through its full training program TEACHnology. As one of the pioneers of online schooling in the Philippines, Informatics empowers public school teachers by providing up-to-date information and communications technology (ICT) knowledge and skills. 

Since e-learning or online schooling is the new normal, it is vital for teachers to learn how to use digital technology efficiently to teach students nowadays. Teachers and trainers need to keep abreast of the changing technological trends in order to use them in educating children. Likewise, to address the many challenges of online schooling, teachers must design learning materials that provide a collaborative and interactive learning experiences that will keep students interested and engaged. Through Informatics’ TEACHnology Program, Filipino teachers can succeed at honing students equipped for the technology-driven world.

What is TEACHnology?

TEACHnology is a training program for teachers and trainers with beginner and intermediate digital skills. It trains Filipino teachers on designing content material for online classes, course personalization, online classroom management, and e-communication with students. It also aims to teach teachers how to effectively use digital tools and applications that are helpful for both online and offline teaching. 

Online Programs for Teachers and Trainers

TEACHnology program consists of different courses: Digital Literacy, Learning Management System Fundamentals, and Innovation Mindset Journey.

The Digital Literacy course comes with a Professional Regulation Commission accreditation. It is designed to equip educators with relevant and up-to-date ICT productivity tools/applications such as Office 365, Microsoft Teams, word processing, electronic spreadsheets, and presentation tools.  Meanwhile, the course on Learning Management System Fundamentals helps educators develop skills in navigating the Brightspace learning management system’s interface and controls.  Lastly, the Innovation Mindset Journey aims to develop innovation leadership in every educator.  Innovation leadership plays a pivotal role in creating a space where debate and learning can foster creativity.

Currently, this program is being offered across Informatics branches. Teachers may take the courses using their personal laptops, tablets, or smartphones.  

With over 25 years of Information and Communications Technology training experience with global partners, Informatics is well poised to provide the necessary training that will help Filipino teachers and trainers prepare for digital age learners. For more information about Informatics’ short courses, visit www.teachnology.ph or send an email to marketinghq@informatics.com.ph.